Saturday, July 8, 2017

Find all about the Aug 2017 Solar Eclipse

Solar Eclipse Calculator 2017

You can obtain data about recent and the upcoming August 2017 solar eclipse for any location.

This calculator will tell you  when the Eclipse Begins, Totality Begins, Maximum Eclipse,
Totality Ends, and Eclipse Ends.

It will also tell you the  Duration, Duration of Totality, Magnitude and Obscuration.

Solar Eclipse Calculator 2017

You can obtain data about recent and the upcoming August 2017 solar eclipse for any location.

1 comment:

  1. The moon is exactly the correct size and distance from the sun to make a solar eclipse possible. This didn't happen by accident over millions of years.

    The moon has a number of distinctive characteristics. It is both 400 times smaller and 400 times closer to Earth than the sun is. This means that the moon and sun have about the same apparent size in our sky on average.

    This makes total solar eclipses possible.
